EMC Mortgage
Ripoff Taking our home not applying our payments to our account

Business & Finance

EMC Mortgage is a Company that must not be trusted at anytime duration of a loan with them, They have made it very difficult to acknowledge the fact that they have never applied payments of mine made by western union. Western union is backing me 100

But that doesnt seem to be a worrie to EMC. They want me to sign a contract immediatley saying they will reinstate me but they are trying to cover thier tracks.By them doing this it looks like im behind but they have me in foreclosure at this time. What they make it look like and what is true is 2 different worlds. They also have escrowed my account without my signature to do so. I have submitted all records to them to prove and they still wont do nothing to clear it up. Or return my phone calls. Im going as far as i can to stop this, News Attourneys, newspaper, Ect. I Pray for all of us.

Company: EMC Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Irving
Address: P.O Box 141358
Phone: 8004367397
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