Mortgage Law Group
Smith, Salvat, Banyon, Sicard, Crowley. Mortgage law group - will not help you - will take your money!

Business & Finance

I was contacted by said company and assured that they could help me with current loan modification given to me by my mortgage company (HSBC). Mortgage company wanted $10,000.00 at the end of my 6mo loan modification (crooks). Mortgage Law Group said they could get this added to the end of my loan and everything would be fine. I paid retainer fee and sent in required paperwork and all was going well, i thought - i had to contact them to see what my progress was and they informed me that the employee that i was working with had quit and all my information was locked up in his computer. So i would have to resubmit everything again. During this time another payment was made to these vultures. So i resubmit everything again and was informed that they had the required information and would contact me again as required. THis went on for 2 months and no contact was made with me, i receive an e-mail on 10/01 and was told that they had contacted my mortgage company and that it would take 45-90 buisness days for this to be reviewed. I receive another e-mail on 10/15 stating that their was nothing more that could be done and they would be dropping me as their client and in the mean time another of my payments to them had posted. When i asked questions about what had happened, i was given no information and to perfectly honest was treated like i was suddenly a bother. I told them that i wanted my money back as they had screwed the whole thing up from the get go and believe it or not, they agreed with me and were going to give me back 1200.00 of my money. This i was told by the TEAM LEADER Crowley. I waited for a week and called them back to check on the status and was then told that it would take up to 90 business days for this to happen and yet it only took them about 10 min to take it from my account. I had to hire another group and christmas was coming and i have 3 kids and they didn't even blink an eye trying to help me. This company is a joke and does not care anything about you at all. They want your money and will tell you whatever you want to hear to achieve this. I am still waiting for my money!!!

Company: Mortgage Law Group
Country: USA
Address: 7800 peters rd
Phone: 18885881900
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