Us fastcash
I barrowed 150.00 in 2011 and they took almost 600.00 out of my checking account and overdrafted my checking account. And tryed to say that i still owe more money so if anyone knows how i can get my

Business & Finance

Usfastcash loans me 150.00 and takes almost 700.00 dollies and says I still owe them I doint know what to do. My checking account has been overdrawn and my account has been closed so if anyone knows how to get my. Money back it would help me so much

Company: Us fastcash
Country: USA
Phone: 6186977790
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Us fastcash took several hundred dollars from my account for two small loans, cannot contact them with callback

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Ameriloan, 500 Fastcash Rip Offs, like to steal your hard earned money

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Made fradulent charges to my bank account. Ripoff
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Did not authorize

These People should be forced to pay back, all they've taken!

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