American Express Prepaid Card
BLUEBIRD Direct Depost - No cash back - Customer Service issues

Business & Finance

The Bluebird card is a worthless piece of junk and here are the (many) reasons why...

You will never know when your direct deposit will finally show up your card but you can pretty much be guaranteed that it will not be on it in the early A.M. There is also no consistancy on the deposits; 10:00 a. M one payday, noon another, etc.

When I first got the card they did have a customer service dept (overseas of course). Now when you call an automated message informs you that due to high volume they cannot take your call, directs you to the website then just hangs up. The website is no help either nor can you email them (that I can find). When you use the Contact Us link a box pops up with the phone number that hangs up on you. Absolutely unaccable when dealing with peoples money & pay checks! Shame on them to leave people at at a dead end like that.

You cannot get cash back yet they limit you to 3 ATM withdrawls & only $500 daily. Their 22,000 ATMs are as conveniently located as they imply either so I'm left deciding do I pay the atm fees or the burn gas & time to find one (I'm in the Chicagoland area so nothing rural about where I am). They have also directed me to an ATM that is no longer in service. Their app that has the ATM finder is glitchy, doesn't work very accurately or at times not at all.

Also when they say checks will be in your account in 5 days, that is 5 working days so that's really 7 days. Do the calculations. No matter what day you deposit it on it will not be on the card for at least a week. It's really just a play on on words to sound more speedy.

Company: American Express Prepaid Card
Country: USA
Phone: 18774865990
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