CHC Pure Callogen
Unauthorised charges

Beauty & Appearance

I had been provided a totally free test of the item. I'd to pay for the shipping. The merchandise came that was garbage. The following point a money seemed on my charge card bill for that shipping £2.60 and £59.33. Examining this I came across that since I'dnot delivered the test I'd joined into an arrangement to buy £59.33 value of products each month. Our lender has guaranteed that no more debits may be documented.

However CHC includes a department in Herts along with a money was obtained from their store for £88.00 this without actually the "free" test. The financial institution has guaranteed that no more debits from either department is likely to be approved in future.

But that does not get my money-back to become about the secure part I've canced my charge card.

Company: CHC Pure Callogen
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Louisville
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