Accelerated Diet Blend

Beauty & Appearance

Recommended to become NATURAL items it has Phenylethylamine Hydrochloride that we am seriously sensitive also AND NEVER ONE-PIECE of paper-work, purchase/billing record, in whatever way to get hold of them or any confirmation of just how much was billed! There is no-contact range everywhere but back of container which NEVER responded! While informed to-order thru Television business there is spoken guarantee of return policy surrounded and stressed no-return approved or reimbursement released without needed RMA# distributed by telephone after delivery of bunch. I've never been able to achieve them, been billed for not just 1st purchase, but another you have arrived and that i can't create contact. Our bank account will be closed tomorrow because simply, allegedly preventing the money cost, it's been prepared anyhow! Who's going to do something about these deceiptful people that are only thieves?

Company: Mangopure
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Aurora
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Acai berry tropic
Intended Delivery and Getting AFTER rescheduling item

IPI Wireless
Scammed and cheated by IPI Wireless
Beware of FREE samples from


SFL Nutrition
Charged for Items not ordered or received

Diet Max/Profit Vault / Colon Cleanse
Fraud / con

Intimate Expressions
I never got the products and they did not refund the money I paid

USAVeonPills / Pure Energy Products - Oklahoma
Scam and robbery!

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc

Montebello Prayer Cross as seen on TV
Rip Off