Every Gas Limited - Mark McKay - Boiler service

Beauty & Appearance

I purchased a boiler service from Every Gas Limited via Groupon and have been calling them and leaving messages for the last 3 weeks (40-50 times a day) with no reply, I have also contacted Groupon to make a complaint who have said that Every Gas were having technical issues! How is this possible when the only telephone number supplied is a mobile number! I have emailed them also via their website http://everygaslimited. / and had a reply from a Mark McKay saying he would book me in as soon as but again have not had any contact since. This is a discrace and hope they are reading this as they think it is acceptable to ignore people that have paid accross hard earned cash for a service which they just cannot be bothered to provide and do not even have the decency to answer the phone. If I was you I would avoid this company at all cost as it seems to be run by a bunch of crooks without the balls to talk to the ones they are ripping off.
Thats my rant over, now to find a decent company to service my boiler.

Company: Groupon
Country: USA
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Every Gas Limited
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