FWM Laboratories

Beauty & Appearance

I had been looking over some job listings for a friend, I had came accross an ad that said " High Paid Weight Loss Study " - So, it is said that you would get paid " $1500 in a check on the 30th day " here is the email she sent me...

" Hello,

Thank you for your interest, you are indeed one of the first 100 people to contact me, so you could certainly reserve the spot.

As stated in the craigslist advert, we need 100 participants that are willing to take a popular diet pill on a daily basis for thirty days.

Everyday we will be recording any differences, and finish the study at the 30th day. If you don't want your name used publicly in the study, then please say so. At the same time, we will compensate you $1500 for your participation. This will be paid in check, on last day.

We will meet a total of four times, and the times will depend on your availability time. Meeting places will be at a local gym of your choice.

The popular diet pill has been featured in many T. V stations and this weight loss product has been used by several famous people. We were lucky enough to have them offer a free trial for us.

If you plan to participate then the following needs to be done:

1) You must fill out the following qualification form to receive the free trial. Here is the link to the form, www.the-study-page.Biz.

2) After you submitted your order for the free trial, please email us back your name and your address.

3) Once you received the free trial, we will set up a personal meeting with you, discuss further details, and answer any questions you may have. At this point our study will begin also.

4) Always contact us on this email for any client support or if you have any questions.


1) Must be above 100 pounds

2) Must be motivated to lose weight

3) Must not be taking more than 5 medication at the same time

* Spots are filling up quickly, so to reserve your spot, get your trial ASAP.


Ashley Dillinger

Diet Research, Inc "

So I go onto the website listed, to get the " free trial " and come to find out it is going to be $3.95 and then $79.32 after 17 days of ordering the product... Then I found then site... Hmm - I wouldnt have any problem spending $85 to earn $1500 obviously, but why would you have to order the product they want to test? Diet Research, Inc? I mean come on, Diet Research, Inc ; how generic, no signature with contact info etc. Wow, glad I found this and hope this will help atleast one person!

Company: FWM Laboratories
Country: USA
State: Florida
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