JT V Jewelry Television
Auction Items

Beauty & Appearance

Please inform me why anyone might bet on an auction product prior to the last 10 moments of the market? If anyone bidding truly desired to get the market, they'd never operate the cost up by bidding early. It just escalates the selling price for them, when they truly plan to purchase the product. Are these truly workers directed to operate the cost up? Nobody might be silly enough not to recognize they're just growing the cost due to their home by bidding early. The one who wins them may be the individual who estimates within the last 10 seconds or less. That are these mystical individuals operating the cost up for no cause? Why do they never bet within the last 10 seconds. Can it's they're just attempting to operate the cost up for others? They understand they'll not get, but operate the cost up anyhow? Appears like it may be scam! Perhaps you have observed how their titles are usually exactly the same? They operate the cost up for others after which quit bidding at that time they truly might really get them (within the last 10 seconds or less).

Company: JT V Jewelry Television
Country: USA
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Deal Dash
Consumer Report

Total scam

Unethical Business

Phoney auction site

Misleading auctions

I definitely feel there are bot bidders

Consumer Report


MisInformation MISLEADING

Consumer Report