Still being billed $5.95 after cancelling

Beauty & Appearance

I requested a "free test" and obtained a car cargo before I acquired an opportunity to attempt the merchandise the auto-ship was $ 85.00. After I named to stop and also to return the merchandise they spoke me into maintaining the merchandise for$ 20.00 and acknowledged my charge card the $65.00. I thought I had been completed with it. I had been incorrect, they began billing me for$ 5.95 per month. I named the amount on my declaration and got a little kidis speech stating the style mail was complete. I named to record it to my charge card company. They stopped payment. This month I acquired charged $5.95 from Live Powerful (exactly the same location but fresh title) today they do not answer the telephone. This can be a fraud where they nickel-and-dime one to death. Buyer beware nothing is free

Company: ResVpure
Country: USA
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