Total Cleanse
Cancel product

Beauty & Appearance

Please stop my purchase for potential deliveries of the sum total clean item. It's not a thing I will manage at the moment. Our order # is 1601947 thanks

Company: Total Cleanse
Country: USA
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Total Cleanse
Total Cleanse

Total Cleanse
Please stop billing me!

Total Cleanse
Total-cleanse ropes you in, then won't let you cancel! Bogus cancellation number!

Total Cleanse
866# not appropriate to canel orders

Total Cleanse
Unauthorized Charge

Total Cleanse
I purchased Total Cleanse over the internet for $5.95 and received the product, however they charged my acct. An additional $74.84 and I can reached to stop this charge that was illegally charged on my card. Purchased This On-line

Total Cleanse
Unable to cancel trial offe

Total Cleanse
FX Supplements, Like several others, I ordered the free 30-day trial from FX Supplements and Total Cleanse - no product but credit card charged! Boca Raton, FL

Total Cleanse

GIC Shipping Department - TOTAL CLEANSE
Total cleansegic shipping department= total cleanse don't order it. You can't cancell and every month will be charged $80!