Lose Weight Systems
Unauthorized Charges

Beauty & Appearance

I began receiving packages from this company in January. As I had not ordered anything from this company, the packages were returned to sender.

Upon receipt of my credit card statement in January

I attempted to call the company 800 telephone number as listed on the statement. After a long time of recorded music I ended my call attempt and contacted the credit card company and informed them that I had never ordered anything from this company and had never dealt with them. I had to have me credit card voided and have a new one issued

As the above company had acquired my credit card number without my knowledge.

From other complaints that I have read on this website, this appears to be a common scam.

Company: Lose Weight Systems
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Mesquite
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Lose Weight Systems
Fradulent Credit Card Charge

Lose Weight Systems
Unauthorized billing

Lose Weight Systems
Unauthorized Credit Card Charges and Shipment of Product I did not Orde

Lose Weight Systems
Unauthorized billing

Lose Weight Systems
Unwanted/Unordered bottle of weight loss pills in a subscription plan, credit card charged

Lose Weight Systems
Charged for weight loss products not ordered

Lose Weight System
Unsolited mailing received from Lose Weight System

Lose Weight System (Adiposexrx)
Shipped unauthorized product and charged my credit card, also unauthorized

Lose Weight Systems - Adipose RX - Caralluma Extreme
Its a scam. Beware. I received a pakage sent from the company above with a bottle of weight loss pills and no receipt enclosed. I Never Ordered the Pills, and being charged on credit card for charges never made

Lose Weight Systems
Un-authorized charge to my credit card