Total Cleanse
Unauthorized charge

Beauty & Appearance

They charged my account $84.67 without authorization. I had to cancel my credit card to stop them because I can't get in touch with them.

Company: Total Cleanse
Country: USA
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Total Cleanse
Unauthorized charges

Total Cleanse
Total Cleanse I received my FREE bottle of Total Cleanse. When I tried to cancel, I couldn't reach anyone by email or phone

Total Cleanse
Unauthorized Charge

Total Cleanse
Unauthorized charges

Acai Berry 500
False advertising/unauthorized CC charges

Total Cleanse
Unauthorized charges

Total Cleanse
Unauthorized charges

Total Cleanse
Unauthorized Credit Card Charges

Total Cleanse
Total Cleanse

Total Cleanse
Colon Cleanse Cannot reach company to cancel Tried several phone numbers that didn't work