Total Cleanse
Unauthorized charges

Beauty & Appearance

On-line Scam. If you ordered both Total Cleanse and Acai Berry 500.

Chances are — you will be charged by 4 companies monthly and total almost $200.00 per month. Two of the companies are difficult to cancel. Some are impossible. Here is some information to help you.

(at least all that I could find)

Total Cleanse does not have a working phone number.

This is the number they provide. But, you may have to cancel your credit card to make them stop charging you about $89 per month. 1-866-320-0038

I can not find any other way to reach them.

Acai Berry 500 — phone number to cancel. 801-528-1391. Charge is about $70 to $80 per month.

If you signed up for this product - you will also be charged by these 2 companies. You need to cancel them too.

PriceLimbo — no phone number. Look up their website. ID is your e-mail address. Password is your zip. You will find you have an account here if you ordered Acai Berry 500.

They will charge $8.51 per month.

Fit-Factory — you are also signed up for this if you ordered Acai Berry 500. Cost is $29.95 per month. Phone number is 1-866-407-1022. Cancel and demand a refund. Chances are - they have already charged you.

Let me know if you find out any additional information — to reach Total Cleanse. Thanks!!!

Company: Total Cleanse
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Acai Berry 500
False advertising/unauthorized CC charges

Total Cleanse And Acai Berry - Total Cleanse
Total Cleanse Category: BBB Better Business Bureau Total Cleanse And Acai Berry Total Clean Total Cleanse And Acai Berry Total Cleanse Total Cleans Is Fraudulently Ripping Me Off

Total Cleanse
Bad phone number

Acai Berry 500 And Total Cleanse
Scammed with a disconnected phone numbe

My Vip-fit Extreme Acaie Berry
Complete Scam (AS seen on Oprah) Davie, Florida

Total Cleanse
Extreme acai berry total cleanse cancel 1-866-320-0038 can't get through. I was able to cancel using 1 800 903 3002. Was put on hold for awhile, but it was successful!

Acai Berry Supreme
Ripoff can't cancel Fraud

Total Cleanse

Total Cleanse
Colon Cleanse Cannot reach company to cancel Tried several phone numbers that didn't work

Acai Berry/Total Cleanse / Acai Meltaway Tabs/
Unauthorized charges