Overcharged and never recieved product

Beauty & Appearance

I put an order to get a free trial offer of Acaipure and Colotox. All I had been suppose to cover was S&H that was $5.00 each. I'd $44.85 and $45.85 removed from my banking account for this diet solution.

I called the organization and was informed I mustn't have experienced the advertisement towards the right of the display which says you would like the reward item. They indicate the "yes" container for you personally, therefore if you do not begin to see the small small advertisement, they get you for more income

The representative explained after I received the prodect to maintain the test and deliver back the items I disnot need plus they might credit my bill.

I purchased this on 11/10/08 but still haven't received something from their store plus they haven't acknowledged by consideration both. I can not have them about the telephone or via email. They state the telephone delay is 75 minute. Or you can visit I did so equally... No body responded the telephone and thwy aren't actually on THAT site!

It has got to become illegitimate!!! Support!!!

Company: Acaipure
Country: USA
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Cannot get refund for trial product

Central coast nutraceuticals, inc
Order of Acaipure & Colotox - aciapure

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc. AcaiPure, colotox
I have two charges on my credit card

Can't cancel membership

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
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Herbal Groups Inc
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