Green tea xtreme

Beauty & Appearance

I order a promotion of 5.95 fist tray en they charge me 45.85 twice and I not authorized that

Company: Green tea xtreme
Country: USA
State: Arizona
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Green Tea Xtreme
I want my 74.12 back

Leanrx, Xtremeburn
LEANRX, XTREME BURN Charged my bank account without being authorized. Nevada

Hcg xtreme
I want to CANCEL before more billings. HCG unreachable by phone

Xtreme Burn
Fraudulent Credit Card Charge 79.95 01/25 Ripoff

Xtreme SoCal, Roz Lowe
Scam! Do not trust roz & xtreme socal, Xtreme Burn Xtreme Burn charged my credit card for items not purchased, had automated voice @ phone #, no PERSON to talk to, just increased charges the next month

Burger King - Las Vegas NV 89130
Inappropriate action by mgr or team leader in charge

HCG Xtreme Trial Offe
Consumer Report

McDonalds, Shippensburg, Pa

Xtreme Offshore Funding / This is Paul Tomasi's new referal source