Wu YI Source
The biggest rip off going on the internet

Beauty & Appearance

After calling this company and asking for a refund the first person I talked told me that I should go and try the web site out I repeated myself that id like a refund she said id have to talk to her supervisor after a 3-4 min wait some one came on the line and told me to please wait then Click! The phone is disconnected so I call back explain what happen to the next operator and after giving her all my info again the operator informs me that I’ve been refunded for 2 payments not 3 guys this is the biggest rip off going on the internet we need to stop them I’m sure there a lawsuit waiting around some where

I got some of my money back but not all of it and if I don’t get it back the next step is the BBB.

Company: Wu YI Source
Country: USA
Site: wu-yisource.com
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