Unauthorized credit card charge!

Beauty & Appearance

I ordered a supply of diet pills which were suppose to be free and you pay only $4.95 for shipping. And for another $6.00 you get another bottle of something, which I can't remember what it was for. Two weeks later I see a charge for $69.95 for something I never ordered!

Company: Hoodiaphen
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Forestville
Site: hoodiaphen.com
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Acai Berry Diet Pills
Charge on credit

World Of Girl
Ripoff Purchased a nockoff Fendi bag on their web They charged my card and never shipped the item

Unauthorized charges!

Tiger Direct, OnRebate.com
Rebate Ripoff

Insta Trim Diet Pills
Ripoff diet pill scam that will charge your credit card without authorization

Diet Pills Ripoff Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Charged for trial and bottle of hoodiaphen without ever receiving eithe

Body Fit Pro
Ripoff I just lost $99.61 to Body Fit pro because of diet pills they took money out without any notice

Deceptive Advertising - Charged $69.95 for WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FREE SAMPLE

Signature Credit Corporation
Rip-off fraudulent claims to credit