Purebred Breeders.com
Purebredbreeders.com IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED!

Animals & Birds

DO NOT invest or trust your money with these people!!! I paid almost $3,000 for my blue merle pomeranian. Upon his arrival we noticed he didnt look to good, his eyes were sad and red he would not eat and if he did he would throw it right up. We assumed he wasn't feeling well do to his long plane ride.By the next day he still didnt look well and his coat was very dry, this shouldnt be the case on a healthy puppy. He continued to vomit consistantly. We were so worried we took him to the vet. She was so concerned that she had to him stay over night in the ICU. The next day we got the horrible news our puppy had passed, do to a liver infection. We barely had him 3 days and had already spend over $4,500 just to be heart broken at the end.
Purebredbreeders.com did not respond or get back to us on the matter for over two weeks!!! It took them 2 months to refund our vet expeses and did not refund the money until we went ahead and desputed the payment with the bank. About a month later we get a statement from our bank, purebredbreeders.com had once again charged us for our puppy whom had already passed away. They also sent a letter saying they were entittled to the money because they refunded our money for the vet expenses that they were not obligated to do, and did out of kindness! Even though they had sent us a sick puppy. They care so much that they even listed the wrong puppy breed on the letter. We are furious and determined to expose these people, in hopes we can prevent this from happening to someone else. I will write a bad review every chance i get. I am discusted!

Company: Purebred Breeders.com
Country: USA
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Purebred Breeders.com
Good Customer Service - Puppy Sales

Purebred Breeders.com
Great experience - Puppy Sales

So far, so good

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