Area Trainer Store #394 - Dog Grooming

Animals & Birds

I have worked for Petsmart in Medford, Oregon for 3 years now. I workled for the store manager Connie Hooper leggett and I worked and put up with her abusive, hostile, threatening, and harrassment to the point that I apparently had a mild stroke according to my physician. I was constantly being pushed for commissions sales to sell puppy classes. I was the area trainer there and I had a Dr. Note for stress leave in July. I woke up with blood pressurfes of average 210/190, all due to STRESS at work and Connie Leggett telling me things like" Stop being sick. You'
re setting a bad example of the area trainer" Get your shit together, get your head out of your ass". What a great way to start your work day, huh? And you wonder WHY my stress was work related? I had many times ended up at the Dr. Due to the hostile environment she put me and her other managers through. She was witnessed by 4 staff members including myself of throwing a store phone into th4e stomach of Tracy, the dept, manager. She was witnessed and heartd, calling staff mfmbers nnames, yelling at them, pushing for sales so SHE can collect HER bonus check each week on OUR hard work and stress to get those puppy classes and commissions. When she did not meet her quotas, she'd threaten all of us! She alkso told the whole entire staff that I am legally blind, and I put up with teasing and snide remarks about how I cant "see" things, and I was laughed at for over 9 months by everyone!!! She violated a "HIPPA" law by exposing a personal confidential medical condition I have. She also told me to move my truck that was legally parked in a handicapped parking space while at work. I was threatened by her again and she said if it wasn't moved, I'd lose my job. She made me push heavy carts every day knowing ffull well I wore a back brace and have severe disc problems and pain. The area trainer's job description doesn't include the4 things she made me do, but shes always threatened the job if it wasn't done. Also, she assaulted me many times until I finally told her to get her hands off of me orr I'd file charges for assault! She'd pull my shirtsleeve and pull or push me into the direction of a potential customer who had a puppy in the store. A meeting was set up woth the district manager, Craig Jenkins and a representitive from Human Resources. I had a 5 page complaint list of Connie's actions. As usual, she lied about amd denied things when I have witnesses. Nothing became of it until I hired an attorney and I have turned her over to BOLI, and the EEOC, the ADA, and HIPPA I had a dr. Note that specifically states I had a few days off for medical reasons. (stress) from her, and I called in Sat and Sundayy sick. Monday morning, she called me and yelled, screamed, threatened to "write me up" if I didn't get back to work. After being sick of stress and seriously high blood pressures and new medications, I yelled back and told her not to threaten me and she still continued. I was terminated the next day while I was on a medical leave and I have the dr. Note. I do NOT like working in a hostile environment so Petsmart and store manager Connie Hooper Leggett can make money to pay their bills! Every safety meeting each month has a subject. That prior month was ALL about hostile environments and an employee should NOT have to be subjected to being threatened, bullied, bribed or harrassed at work and this was all being done by the store manager! The dept. Manager, Tracy, told me at one time "Dont take it too personally, she is sick and she's taking it out on ALL of us". If Connie is seriously ill, then SHE should go home and recover. Not try to act like some superstar. She told me that she is sick and she's still working. She's setting an example of a good employee. Most people who are sick, stay home to get better so they can return to work. If she wants to destroy her life, that's her problem, not mine. I care to enjoy mine while I still have it left to enjoy and her stressing me out like she did and threats, is why I was sick.

Nan McCloud
Medford, OR

Company: Petsmart
Country: USA
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PetSmart, Inc
PetSmart Bites

Hostile work environment

Harrassment from store manage

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Harassment? I think so

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