Banfield Pet Hospital
Wellness plan rip off!

Animals & Birds

I'm completely disgusted with Banfield Pet Clinic as well as their alleged money-saving Wellness Ideas. To begin with, they're about revenue. They'll market you providers, shots and medications that aren't all required. They're generally named, "ball-cleaning Banfield" in my own home. Once, my puppy slice the webbing in his base. They desired to cost me $200 anestesia, $30 for stitches, $15 for that cover, $60 for that medications. After I told them to overlook it, they decided to one staple in his base for $12 and that I purchased a cover at Walmart for $5.

Another moment, I desired pain tablets for my puppy since he limps as well as their veterans will find the issue and demand on normal medications... At $60 per month. These same medications are on PetMeds for $20 but Bainfield will not provide me a prescription. They'll nevertheless, complement the cost INCLUDING S&H. What garbage.

Their wellness ideas are rip-offs. They cost excessively high prices due to their solutions and medications. As well as having a alleged discount, they're nevertheless greater than a number of other locations. Which agreement... Well, browse the additional articles and best of luck attempting to stop

I'm one regretfully sorry fool.

Company: Banfield Pet Hospital
Country: USA
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