Ramada Plaza Resorts - Imperial Majesty
Ramada Plaza Resorts/Imperial Majesty Charged my card, send me nothing

Traveling & Tourism

Their pitch sounds good, how can you go wrong with a Carnival cruise??? I made the mistake of giving out my credit card number and actually thought I was getting a good deal. I realized after getting my card bill that 3 weeks went by and NO documentation came. I called the number I was giveen and they apologized and assured me another package would be sent and to give it 10 to 14 business days.

A month later still nothing, at this point I was feeling very uneasy about where my money went. I turned to the internet and googled ramada plaza and was directed here. I immediately got on the phone and did NOT hang up even when I was redirected twice and on hold for 15 min. I told them that I was no longer willing to deal with the company - period and after 45 more minutes, I finally got a confirmation number for a cancellation and was told I would get a FULL refund.

It didn't hurt that I mentioned the Florida Attorney Generals Office, Florida Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services, and the Florida BBB as well as this site. While I haven't yet received my credit (I only called today) - I do believe that persistance pays off. I also did not let them start up another spiel, just keep insisting on a refund.

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts - Imperial Majesty
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft. Lauderdale
Address: 2419 E. Commercial Blvd
Phone: 8002039783
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