Tupper Lake
Tupper Lake is a black hole

Traveling & Tourism

To everyone who doesn't live in this quaint little town called Tupper Lake: ignore most of the individuals who come on here, it's somewhat of a decent town... But not really. Whom you see, generally is the worst of the worst. What I mean is, it's a beautiful town with amazing sights to see but the PEOPLE SUCK!

To read about this town you must understand that most people don't have anything to do because there isn't anything to do, we have nothing.instead people cause soap opera drama B*LLSHIT and attempt to kick other people in the *ss so they feel better about their sh*tty lives at the end of the day. It works because out of every single town in New York that I've ever lived in, this is the most depressing.

Mostly everyone here that goes out into public has a chip on their shoulder filled with dishonesty and vindictiveness. If you don't have anything else to do, visit our wonderful local library and read a f*cking book, try some self help books they might do some good. Has everyone forgotten about the saying "if you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all"?
Stop spreading your ignorant thoughts to the whole world and act like a real human being, do something good for someone else, you might feel better about your pathetic lives. This is only a percentage of Tupper Lake and it's sad that it has to be seen by the whole country. Stop being p*ssy's and say it to eachothers faces! Step up and get beat down in real life, it may do you some good.

Most people do not watch their kids here so they become the trash you read about and read from. The individuals don't mind conceiving them for their extra amount of welfare each month, but toss them out into public to raise each other. What have we become when we see 14yr old girls tramping the boulevard each day like prostitutes? IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD. Donate some of your money to the school instead of buying your fancy cars and vacationing in Florida.

Create fund-raises to help the youth get out, because to be stuck here... Is h*ll.instead of posting libel trash about people on here, do something productive. I'm not saying people don't, but not enough do. F*ck if I were a lawyer, why chase ambulances just search this site for "Tupper Lake". This goes beyond our first amendment rights, this has the potential for "clear and present danger." DUH!!!

I went through this school system and it is retched, some teachers are horrible, but the students should have the opportunity to speak out about them... They should have a chance because I know a lot of people who didn't. Teachers kids shouldn't be the only ones who get a pat on the back everyday.

Also, remember the words of the wonderful Eric Clapton..."BEFORE YOU ACCUSE ME, TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF" The man was before his time, and must have gone to a bar in Tupper Lake.

Everyone in this town needs a reality check. Stupid people shouldn't do drugs, and f*ck knows there is a lot of drugs in this town... So if you respond to this thing everyday, then you're stupid, if you think that you're better than ANYONE, then you're stupid... Countless other ways to tell, not enough time to list them... Put the crack pipe down, and pick up a book. There must seriously be something wrong with our water, or something wrong when people think it's alright to f*ck your cousin/uncle/brother's father's grandpa.
Love each other, we're only here once... Don't spend everyday angry... I'd hate to see my life flash before my eyes as me trying to ruin others. That's not cool.

Ps. The last line in the form says to not sign your name or include an e-mail address!!! Why??? People are barbaric and retaliate!!! That's why this site is legal and what you do when you include names and your name isn't!!!

Company: Tupper Lake
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Tupper Lake
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