Devine Getaways
Vacaton scam... I got better pricing on my own. This whole ordeal was a nightmare. What a waste of money!

Traveling & Tourism

My husband and I attended the Devine Getaways Seminar in Houston Texas. The program presented showed hassle free vacation planning and cost savings on Airfare, Hotel and Car Rental etc.

The speaker gave the scenario of a Hawaiian Vacation costing under $1,000 including airfare. Because of Devine Getaways buying power, we could get great rates.

We joined in May ~$2,600 and it took a month to get signed on the their website. I began booking a cruise to Hawaii and found out they could not offer better pricing on the cruise or airfare. They did book my hotel, but it was a dump. They did not offer any concierge service and contacting a live person took multiple calls and being on hold for ever.

I am supposed to get $175.00 credit for the cruise, but I have yet to see it and the cruise was in November. I am sick that I wasted all this money for nothing and I want other people to be warned of the scam.

Company: Devine Getaways
Country: USA
State: Virginia
Phone: 8003131263
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