Vacations Made Easy
Internest scam company

Traveling & Tourism

Vacations Made Easy_ Is an internet scam business! You search for tours and end up at their site to pay. I paid for a lunch cruise $ of Lake Tahoe. Got there and NO LUNCH, the tour guides said we have NEVER offered that. Called the company several times as I paid $ for a $ tour. They never call you back. Beware: do not use this company - you will be very sorry!

Company: Vacations Made Easy
Country: USA
State: Montana
City: SpringfieldInternet
Phone: 18009879852
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Lodestar International Tours
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Bad service

Mini Vacations MVI
Mini Vacations took my $571.88 for a cruise I "won", I never got the cruise or refund

Best USA Vacations
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Magical Dream Escapes, Inc
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Viator Tours
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Vacations Made Easy
Nothing but a scam company

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Donna Franca Tours
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Donna Franca Tours
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