Bob barnes is a scammer

Traveling & Tourism

I applied to work-in exactly the same building as these criminals and that I might simply pay attention to them fraud people for holidays all-day long. They'd promote phony resort costs, phony airlines and allow the individuals endure once they appear to visit. I actually donot understand how people live with themselves

Company: Zonder
Country: USA
State: Utah
  <     >  


Zonder/bob Barnes
Hackers scammers

Philip E. Mazur

Fake ID review boards are scams!

Fake ID review boards are scams!

Zonder / Bob Barnes
Scam artists / identity hackers / former felon / under fedreral investigation

Fake3 Id Novelty Sites And Forums Are Bogus-fake Id Guru Is Fake
Fake id novelty forums and review boards are bogus-fakeidguru-fake id forums - fkaeid uk

Undergroundreview.com Fakeid Messageboards, Fake Id Guru, Noveltyidfactory Review
All fake id review sites are bogus. Created by the above to promote themselves

Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy
Russian Mafia - steal and sell credit card info

Lilo Marketing
Wire Fraud
