Today's Escapes
Vertrue Inc Today's Escapes Ripped me off for 3 years

Traveling & Tourism

Just found out I was being charged $25.95 a month for 2 1/2 years. I've never heard of Today's escapes, never received an email or post mail and yet the claim I signed up to receive discouned vacation/travel vouchers.
After cancelling my so called membership they only agreed to refund 3 month's worth of payment instead of the 30 months they owe me. I still havent received a cancellation email even though they claim to have sent two emails to me.
I left two messages with the compliance department (you can't get ahold of a real person) who is to contact me within 24 hours and it's been 3 days without a response.
From research I see that Im not the only one out there but I will not rest until my money is fully refunded. The reason Im so passionate/angry about this is because I know for a fact that I did not sign up for this and I can't stand by and let them get away with this.
I seeked legal help and was told to take it to small claims court. I've also filed complaints with the BBB and other consumer protection agencies. I've contacted some notable media outlets and will not rest until I'm reimbursed.
I see they're been class action suits against this company and it's subsidiaries which proves even more that they are scum!!!

Company: Today's Escapes
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Address: 9500 W Dodge Rd
Phone: 18005504728
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Today Escapes, Shopping Essentials
Ripoff No means No Adaptive Marketing Crooks

Simple Escapes,, Vertrue Vertrue,, MWI all the same INVOLVED RIPOFF - Simple Escapes
Ripoff Fraudulent credit card billing by Simple Escapes through

Today's Escapes
This company is a bogus!

Simple Escapes
Unauthorized bank debit

MWI*Simple Escapes
Simple Escapes, MKS Simple Escapes 2, MMI Simple Escapes, RIPOFF! Simple Escapes is a scam con-artist, fraudulent business I found on the internet. They've screwed others, and now they're trying to do it to me

Today's Escapes, passport To Fun,
Today's Escapes, passport To Fun, ripoff-promised gift cards for trial membership

Todays Escapes
There has been fraudulent charges, now totaling $269.00, on my debit card. What is this?

MKS*Simple Escapes
Ripped me off 134.95, never HEARD of this scum bag scamming company before. Bank statement charged Thanks for your help complaint

Simple Escapes
Charged credit card after I canceled my membership. Ripoff!