Leisure Time
Travel Scam

Traveling & Tourism

In I booked a Las Vegas Vacation package (hotel airtravel) from http://www.leisuretime.com/.

Since this time, I receive a call every year offering me a chance to attend a timeshare vacation. Each year I decline.

On 11-12-09, I received a call from the collections department of leisuretime. They inform me that I owe them $497 for never attending a timeshare. They state that it was a term of condition for my travel purchase.

I ask for a mailed letter to verify these claims. They inform me that they have mailed 12 letters to my current address. I have not received any of these letters.

They inform me that if I don't pay (or attend a timeshare) immediately my case will be sent to collections. I ask for an emailed copy of the bill and 24 hours to consider the case they are making. I receive no email letter verifying these claims. However, I receive two phone calls on 11-13-09 stating that I owe them money and must pay or face collections. I tell them to send my case to collections because I cannot verify that I actually owe them anything.

Company: Leisure Time
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 2059 E. Sahara Ave
Site: leisuretime.com
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