Global Discovery Vacations (GDV)
A Complete Ripoff!

Traveling & Tourism

My fiance and I were reeled into this scam by going to a wedding expo. Of course, they reeled us in by saying, you won free plane tickets, and a 3 day, 2 night stay somewhere. After getting there, they make you sit there for 2 hours or more. Even though they say 90 minutes. After the 90 min. Then you have to talk to a rep, who will not let up and they keep trying to lower the price lower and lower until you give in. If you do not, then they get their manager to come in, as if they're supposed to be intimidating or something. They lower the prices even more. They get all in your business, saying, well you can use this on your honeymoon and you can do this and that. Like they know your life or something. So long story short, we went for it. At the time, we were thinking, oh wow, they have places in Hawaii. Which is where we're trying to go for the honeymoon. We're thinking, What if we can't afford it on our own? We can use this. Well, we sign up, and before we sign we're constantly asking what if we don't like it, can we cancel. They say, oh yeah you can cancel whenever you want. They are bleepity bleep liars! First off, everytime I try to look up somewhere for us to go, like a simple trip to Wisconsin Dells, guess what? The nearest location is a half hour away! Then that little red card they give to give discounts for the hotels? They don't even pick up the phone. And to put the icing on the cake... Our payment per month is $84. Do you know that the last bill, I looked at it and they raised the interest rates!!! So out of my $84 payment, We're paying $35 in interest rates! These people are trying to screw us so hard, and when I called to speak to someone about canceling (judy) all they can say is you had 3 days to cancel right after signing the contract. You know what's really ironic? That they kept Lying about canceling anytime, but they never ONCE said I have 3 bus. Days to cancel. These people are a ripoff and a scam. People cannot afford to pay unnecessary money. We're in a recession, for goodness sakes! If they call you, don't go to the meeting! I wish I can sue these people. I am going to find out how.

Company: Global Discovery Vacations (GDV)
Country: USA
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Express Dept Elimination
Failed to lower high interest rate credit cards, failed to save me $1500 900 (that they took) within 30 days without higher payments

Consumer Report

CCS - First National Card
Suspected ripoff scam

American Choice Readers Service
Ripoff Fraud

Trying to cancel it is so hard to find. The rep will constantly try to get you at a lower price if you cancel. No refund was made

Gm Card - Hsbc
HSBC Card Services No room to budge! After 3 years of good payments, interest rate

Bank One, Chase
Ripoff Raised interest rates to over 29%

Clear Breeze Solutions
A company who says you are gauranteed to save at least $4000.00 or your money back and they are personalized financial planners Smyrna, Georgia

Rome Hotels
Remarkable Trip to Rome through Inexpensive Hotel Rates!

Emerge Mastercard
AKA Providian ripoff, Providian switched me to emerge without my permission, after switching they went up on their interest rates to 29.97%