Skybus Airlines
Skybus, a new airline

Traveling & Tourism

Skybus, a new airline headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, has refined the oxymoron of "customer service" to the nth degree, to wit: they have eliminated it.

Woe betide anyone with an inquiry or complaint. Contact is available only through the company's web site. No telephone service is offered and the firm's CEO states that none will be offered in the future. E-mail goes unanswered.

The CEO boasts that the company's philosophy is based on the code of the ancient Japanese Samurai warriors. He has authored a book extolling the virtues of the Samurai, advising how their practices can apply to business. He ought to know that the Samurai became extinct in 1876 as the 20th century approached and they became irrelevant.

Skybus is not listed in telephone directories, but here are some numbers you could try: CEO: 614/947-3103. Corp. Office: 614/246-8800. PR rep: 614/573-1377. Better hurry, though, before the numbers are changed.

Company: Skybus Airlines
Country: USA
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