200 Cash Inc
Ripped us off of 19.00 for an application, lied, third party fraudulant company, phony's

Traveling & Tourism

200 cash inc is a fradulant third party participant of Amerialoan. While applying for a loan for a vacation for my family and I. This organization was the only one's initially to accept the request. I thought wow thats a wonderful idea. I also thought that more than one participant would show up with that one. So that brought some question to mind. But I thought hey my mother and law reccommended this website so it must be ligit. Well in an attempt to check my application status I realized there was no link to actually get to them. So I went in and put the website in the address slot and what did I see scheme, scams and fraudulant behaivor from what I thought was an official organization 200cashinc.com. Do not be a victim verify these places before you submit personal information!!

Company: 200 Cash Inc
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: 110 W. Ninth Street Suite 581
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Davis and Parke
Consumer Report

USA Immigration Organization
Consumer Report

Opened an account for me while I was trying to get a cash advance

Consumer Report

NHE Content Writer Scam
Fake NHE Jobs Spartanburg

NHE Certification
Content Writer Scam Job Scam Ad!

Maximum Platinum Maximumplatinum.com
Maximum I thought I was applying for a cash loan, was lead through the application process and then received confirmatiom "donotreplymemberservices" with maximumplatinums web address. I was being notified that my account would be charged $49.99 Internet

I paid the $25 application fee almost 2 months ago and now the website says forbidden when I go to it

Consumer Report

Tearing people off!