Countrywide Timeshares
Sale of timeshare

Traveling & Tourism

I amweiting to say thta i sold my rimeshare with country wide after @ years of being on the market withothers it took a little moire than ^ months but it was done this compny isd the vest in the business always got status calls from my rep kathy! I ws going to gibe it up a few times but she sayed with me and convinced to stickitout iwas gladf i did! I have gone with other companies i the past and tey tried to make me payover an over not counrty wide they chardge only one fee and it all goes intio eithre the sale rentalor adcertising of your toimeshare! So if ou wantto stickwitha good company whop stands by you do with them and do not listen to people who never completed the transaction lie lance and others...

I own 3 timeshares and after selling and or renting i wil go backand do it again!

Company: Countrywide Timeshares
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
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TCRM Commercial
Corp rip-off! Thanks for alerting me in advance. Were looking online for loan and thought they looked good until we checked consumer complaints. New york

Timeshares Quick Sale International
Timeshares Quick Sale deceptive professionalism

Timeshares Quick Sale International
Timeshares Quick Sale disappeared with my money and without selling my time share

CNC Timeshares
Thank you cnc timeshares!

Timeshares Quick Sale
Timeshares quick sale took my money then disappeared

Cross Country Auto Transport
CCAT Rips off Military Family Twice!

Timeshares Quick Sale International
Rip-off my Hard earned Money

Timeshares Quick Sale International, TS-87087
Timeshares Quick Sale International took money to sell two timeshares

Worldwide Timeshares
No one returns calls not the way to run a business at all ripoff

Resorts Transfer, Inc
Michael Frederick Do not do business with Resorts Transfer... They do not sell or rent your timeshares!