Ramada Plaza Resorts
No Means No Lauderdale

Traveling & Tourism

Let this be a warning to all Do not enter any contests for a "Free Cruise" with this company"
I made the mistake this past summer of entering a contest online to win a free criuse. (Free with a price tag, that is). Less than 24 hrs later the phone calls began. Once a hour every day it seems as when I went to check my messages thats all I had was this obnoxiously loud man screaming at me about this FREE CRUISE.
I finally called back on my next day off from work.By this time I had recieved so many calls from these people that my caller ID was completly wiped out with only this oboxious mans number. That's over 40 calls in a weeks time.
I politely listened to the mans sales pitch, then declined the offer as it was not free as adertised. I thought that would be the end of it.
Boy, was I wrong.in less than 2 hours the calls started again. Same obnoxious man, screaming the exact same pitch.
By now I'm angry. I called back demanding to be removed from their list. The idiot on the other end of this call could not understand why I was so angry.
The next day the calls continued, all day long. At days end I finally called back this time asking for a supervisor. This time in a calm voice I simply asked about the word of mouth advertising that they hope to get from those who take this "Free Cruise" and reminded him that word of mouth advertising can go both ways. He assured me that my name and number would be removed immediately,
That seemed to work for abour 6 weeks. Starting sometime this last week (I was on vacation) the assault of phone calls starts again. Today I called back one more time, again asking for the supervisor. Granted at this point I am fuming with anger over this phone harrassement, and I let this "Floor Supervisor" know in no uncertian terms that I was angry. This idiot (Julianne Bernard) pretty much told me T S. "Why did I enter the contest if I was not interested?" She could not the grasp the notion that I simply was not inerested. Then proceeded with the same hard sales tactics that were once reserved for used car salesmen door to door salesmen and insuance salesmen.
I slammed the phone down to hang up. Now here I am. I am not stopping here though. Bad publicity is what I promised, and that is what I will deliver.
Anyone else who has had a bad experience with this company should do the same.

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft. Lauderdale
Address: 2419 East Commercial Blvd, Suite 100
Phone: 8009012932
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