Avoid Tours4Fun!

Traveling & Tourism


After booking a bus tour with TOURS4FUN well in advance, my wife and I flew to Salt Lake City and registered at the motel designated by Seagull/C&J Express - the tour provider. When we boarded the bus the next morning imagine our surprise to learn that we were given the last two seats on a Chinese group tour for our four-day Yellowstone, Grand Teton Tour Package The tour consisted of a Chinese tour guide, a Chinese driver and a large ethnic group that spoke only in Chinese. Throughout the trip the guide regaled the group with stories (apparently funny) and landmark highlights for literally hours on end over the PA system. Occasionally, between stories, a few words would be spoken in English but the guide's heavy accent made it difficult to understand what he was imparting to us. Most of the time, well over 95%, we sat there completely perplexed. The rapport with fellow travelers that usually develops on such a trip was impossible, due to the inability to communicate. The stares of some of the group suggested that they were questioning, as were we, why we were even on the bus.

In response to our complaint, TOURS4FUN stated that the Customer Agreement that we acquiesced to states that their tours are escorted by professional English or bi - or multi-lingual tour guides or drivers, and they have received some complimentary letters from many English-speaking customers. This response was totally inadequate. Agreeing to the possibility of a bi-lingual tour guide had nothing to do with the fact that we were unknowingly booked on an exclusive Chinese tour (even the bus windshield card designated the trip in Chinese), that was unprepared to offer any semblance of accommodation to English-speaking passengers. The experience was unpleasant and the vacation we looked forward to ruined. There are many well qualified tour providers our there and we recommend that TOURS4FUN be avoided.

Company: Tours4Fun
Country: USA
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The experience was unpleasant and the vacation we looked forward to ruined

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