Accor NA / Motel 6
Corporate Misfeasance

Traveling & Tourism

Up to speed: Accor NA's Seaside, Oregon, Motel 6 Manager, Lee Judson, inferred that my wife is a prostitute and I a drug dealer by - illegally, I believe - putting us on his nefarious Do Not Rent list without cause. So after 8 months of trying to get our good names cleared without success, I sued him in Small Claims Court for $5,000. He and his attorney, Stan Gish, bullied me and filed a frivolous counter suit for $100,000 taking it out of Small Claims Court and into Circuit Court, forcing me to hire an attorney to defend myself against him!

O.K., Now Gish & my attorney are discussing dismissing the case and having both parties sign a stipulated injunction which would prevent either of us from posting anything on consumer complaint sites (like this one) regarding the other party. No money would trade hands. However, I would be required to deposit some money, probably a couple thousand, as security to ensure that I do not breach the agreement. If after a year I have not breached the agreement, I would get the money back. If I breach the agreement, the money would go to Judson.

Can you believe that?!?!?!?

Company: Accor NA / Motel 6
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Seaside
Address: 2369 S. Holladay Drive
Phone: 5037386269
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Accor / Motel 6
Poor service!

Accor/Motel 6
Class action

Accor - Motel 6
Implied my wife & I are nasty people, kicked us out

Accor NA / Motel 6
Class action!

Motel 6 - Accor
Ripoff Inferred wife is a prostitute I'm a drug dealer by Do Not Rent list

Better Business Bureau
Fraud & cheating!

Accor / Motel 6
Do Not Rent list

BBB Serving Alaska, Oregon And Western Washington
They Said I Considered My Complaint Resolved, Yet I Fight On

Accor North America / Motel 6
Accor North America - Motel 6 Slammed on Do Not Rent list for requesting a discount for being assigned a substandard room

Accor / Motel 6