
Traveling & Tourism

I too have been ripped off by TRAVELBRIDGE, I invested $5,995.00 to work as an independant travel agent under the umbrella of Travelbridge, Mr Black from the Ft Lauderdale office promised that my wife and I can make a lot of money selling travel related business mainly because "Travelbridge have approximately 35,000 members and that number carries a lot of clout in the travel industry their bulk purchases are so large that they (Travelbridge) can afford to sell you at 50% of a retail ticket so you can mark up at the lowest price and still make a profit"

To date I have not made one penny, instead I have spend money in lawyer's fee, time sending letters to Florida State Attorney, News medias, Internet research on how to recover stolen cash without spending cash and breaking the law and counting the profit I would of made on a CD at 4.3% since 1/31/01.

The free 3days 2nights Orlando gift that was promised to look at the sales pitch was also a ripoff, the Spirit travel claimed the 4-6 dates I chose was unavailable so I requested a refund of my $25.00 deposit.

Everyone of my 12plus travel request I made was either the same or more than the Internet prices including a recent purchase that added $10.00 more than the Internet price.

Imagine for $5,995.00 plus $150.00 for an annual tata card plus..., Even the training classes has stopped.

This is more than RIP OFF it is FINANCIAL RAPE.

Ft Lauderdale, Florida

Company: Travelbridge
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft Lauderdale
Address: Commercial Blvd
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Travelbridge offers discount travel that does not exist

Travelbridge Travel

A-Z Travel Can be SUED! Ripoff

Was promissed a free cruise and have never received it after paying over $4000 to join discounts are not anything more than what i can get on the internet scottsdale

Ripoff ripoff

Ripoff it was presented to us like we would be the travel agent and receive the benefits of a travel agent not

Fraudulent ripoff business

Travelbridge Air Land And Sea
Travelbridge Air Land and Sea LTD took our money! Rip-off! Tucson

Ripoff rip off scam con artists false promises ripoff deception rip-off scam liars