Ramada Plaza Resorts
Ripoff Vacation Packages not refundable

Traveling & Tourism

Hi, I am another one who got a voucher from Ramada Plaza Resorts, letting me know that "this official Registered Document confirms my self from Montreal" I was the fully registered recipient of the enclosed travel voucher of one thousand six hundred dollars! In all the info they sent me it says nothing about not being refundable.

When I called and I spoke to the agent, who was speaking very fast for me on english, I advise him if anyone who could speak spanish could help me, he was not very happy I gues... Any way when I spoke to this lady named 'Indira' she was very nice and explained me wat was all about, the trip at first sign looks very interesting. But something they never let me know was the cancellatin policies, when I gave my credit card information and I went trought to whole process of verification NEVER in the talking they let me know that it was not refundable, and I just called them to the number they gave me and request for a cancellation and they said has the money was already took from my credit card and it was more then 30 days they could no refund nothing!!!

I did some searche in google, and it seems that they are not allowed to sell anything in the province of Quebec, since they do not have any licence for here, I think I am not the first one who is passing by this...

I have not received nothing from them yet, and when I advise the agent "patricia" to the customer solutions phn nbr, she said could send by FED EX, but I explain to her the point is not that is that paiment has already been took from my credit card, (and now that I am requesting a refund after knowing so many cases with so much people in Canada and the states on the web), and she said that I had up to 30 days after my purchase to get refunded, and when I spoke to her supervisor he said I was not allowed to be refunded, wich does not make sence!!!

Becareful by purchasing things outside your country next time, this is a lesson for me. But Can anyone let me know if I can get my money back???

Jeimy veronica
Montral, Quebec

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 2419 E. Commercial Blvd
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