T-Mobile USA


T mobile. Where Do i start?

1.) They transformed my agreement without allowing me understand. Illegitimate.

2.) They're getting four weeks to return money.

3.) I'd been utilizing their telephones in my own region for 2 decades and a week ago I acquired one switched off and and was informed I had been likely to be billed a fee for utilizing it 90% of times in running locations. Works out it had been an executive choice which was not created public to get this done to clients without informing them.

4.) 90% of times their site doesn't function.

5.) their government reaction individual explained my reimbursement was prepared. A rest.

... They really pissed me down. Don't uuse them!!

Company: T-Mobile USA
Country: USA
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Cell phones

T-Mobile Phone Company
Changing Plan without authorization from custome

Unjustifiable cell phone charges

John Graham Easy Spy
They are getting rich on promises never delivered

Verizon Wireless
Manger extended contract

Virgin Mobile
Virgin Mobile you continue committing fraud

Cleartalk Wireless
Fraudulent company

Cleartalk Wireless
Fraudulent practices

Posting Deposits

Failure to Refund