Verizon Wireless
Get even number


Found this amount on another article. I plan to make use of the stability of my 1400 moments calling to inform them how HORRIBLE a business VERIZON WIRELSS IS BECOMING! Subsequently stop my support.

Please use your entire additional minutes to get hold of allows frighten them like they frighten us!

David small 973-656-7000

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Boston
  <     >  


Roll over minutes

Verizon Wireless IN CALLING Verizon Wireless Cell Phone Rip Off Verizon Wireless Plans Misrepresent
Verizon Wireless IN CALLING Rip Off Verizon Wireless Plans Misrepresent wireless plans misrepresented

Verizon Wireless

Verizon Wireless
Unsolicited advertisements

Verizon Wireless
Rip Off Consumers

Verizon Wireless
Fraudulent Charges NO Help from Verizon

Verizon Wireless
Poor Service

Verizon Wiresles
Calling Card High Jacking rip off

Verizon Wireless
Ripoff bill in in-network plan change overcharge family

Verizon Wireless
Consumer Report