Verizon DSL
Terrible experience


"Letter to Verizon"...

This letter is to complain about service (or lack thereof) I recently received from your company.

September 26 was the first call of many that I made to tech. Support. The reason I called is I could not get the DSL to work after my attempt @ installing the modem & I needed help. I work in IT therefore I tried everything (yes, I rebooted) prior to calling. The 1st thing I was told is "Don't worry, we will get you up & running before the end of this call." Why do they say that? Is that a required statement in their script or what? I'm sure a majority of the calls that come through are "fixable", but not all of them are; therefore they shouldn't say it. It's very misleading (esp. To those unfamiliar w / technology). Anyway, they were unable to fix my problem & set up a day for a Verizon tech. To come out. The date/time I was given was Thursday, Oct. 2 from 4-8 P.M. I left work early on Thurs. So that I could be home by 4. I wait. & I wait... 8:00 comes & no one has showed up or called. So I call tech support & was told if no one shows up by 8:30 to contact them back the next morning & set up another appt.

I call back the next morning asking why no one showed up & get absolutely no valid reason. I set up a 2nd appt. For that evening, Oct. 3 between 6-8 P.M. Due to the fact that I was NOT willing to leave work early again. Well, since it was a Fri. Niter & I had plans that evening, I called tech support as soon as I got home around 5:30 just to make sure someone would def. Be arriving by 8:00. When I input my phone #, the automated system tells me that my ticket is closed because a tech. Came to my home & no one was home! I finally get a human being on the line & am informed that someone came @ 5:15 & left. I never received a phone call on either of my phones (cell was my contact # & if they had called me I could've told them I was on my way or had a neighbor let them in).

VERY frustrated @ this point, I asked to speak w / a supervisor, who set up a 3rd appt. For me for the next day, Sat. Oct. 4 between 10-2. This was after I told him I wasn't willing to wait until the following week, so he gave me a choice between Sat. Or Sun. & even asked which time I'd prefer. Hmm... Now we're getting somewhere (I'm thinking). Low & behold, Sat. Morning/afternoon come & go - 10,12, 1,2, 2:30 - no call/no show. So I call tech support AGAIN & was told that my tech appt. Was not a "definite". It was only IF field services had TIME for me that day. Apparently, they didn't. Never mind the fact that I was never told it was a "maybe" @ any point. For, if I was told that, I would not have even have bothered... Another wasted 4 hours sitting around -waiting for nothing! I was so irritated by this point, I could not stop yelling & cursing & literally screaming at the top of my lungs @ this poor individual on the other end of the phone (although I do realize it was not his fault). The call finally got intercepted by a manager of some sort. All I wanted from him was for him to mail me a new modem (just in case it was faulty hardware.) He kept stating he could not do that. WHAT, ARE U KIDDING ME? If I had asked for a left kidney right then - I should have been given it from Verizon. So he finally agrees (after much questioning) to do so. THEN, the call gets disconnected before he can get my 'mailing address'. Call me crazy, but shouldn't that be in the system somewhere? Needless to say, I did not receive a new modem & canceled my DSL & phone service the following Monday, Oct. 6.

It seems to me Verizon just tells people what they want to hear; but when it comes down to it, could care less about their customers. I was always a fan of Verizon in the past, that's why I chose them over Comcast when I moved. I'm not sure what has happened to your company, perhaps it's gotten too large & you can't keep up w / the needs of your customers? Who knows, who cares. I'm going back to Comcast.

I expected a much higher level of service from your company, and I am quite disappointed. I was never offered any type of credit on my acct. Or 'perk' during this entire ordeal to entice me to stay w / Verizon. I still owe money from my acct. But personally after everything your co. Put me through, it's last on the list of my financial obligations. I don't think Verizon deserves a dime more of my money.

Company: Verizon DSL
Country: USA
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