Airtel CallHome
No answer after enrollment


I've authorized with this site to make calls to India. They stated after enrollment and cost, they'll deliver a email. But I've not got any emails from their website.

Whenever attempted to contact them, the telephone point isn't functioning.

Their customer support (24 * 7) quantity 1 877 247 5150

This Is Actually The toughest customer support I've ever seen.

They charged my charge card, before actually initiating the support, which significantly worse...

Company: Airtel CallHome
Country: USA
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Airtel CallHome
Airtel CallHome hurts!

AirTel Call Home to India
Telephone support or scam?

Fraud - India phone

Airtel CallHome
Airtel CallHome: support today ok!

Airtel Call Home / Calling Cards to India
Worst site and terrible service, no method to contact customer service!

Airtel CallHome
AirTel truly hurts!

Airtel CallHome
Airtel Callhome is just a scam, site doesnt work, no customer service, cheating clients

Reliance Call India
Poor customer service, overbilling

Airtel Call Home
Can't use supplied login, can't contact customer support, can't make calls

Airtel Prepaid Postpaid
Bad customer service!