Sportalists Club Dudders, Conmen, Scammers, Gold Coastt


Check this out... The news gets around fast


Sports hedge fund scam alertI've been preparing an article about two legitimate sports investment/hedge funds which are open to the public - more on that soon, but in a nutshell, they are everything the Centaur Group/Keith Sobey scheme wasn't - transparent, professional, diligent, organised...

But where there's betting involved, there will always be some scumbag pulling the conman trick. And it's quite a familiar name in Australian and British circles when it comes to conmen - Peter Foster.

From the guys at Priomha:

Sportalists update

We reported recently about the formation of a new Sports Hedge Fund. As we noted at the time The Sportalists Group had copied verbatim information that has been readily available on The Priomha Group website for over 3 years. This started ringing some alarm bells and these bells have been ringing much louder courtesy of a Channel 9 story last night on A Current Affair.

According to Channel 9, Sportalists is the latest brainchild of serial con-man Peter Foster. A link to the story is available below.

Sportalists is a scam.

The Priomha Group has no connection with Sportalists and is taking the necessary action to ensure that they are punished for their flagrant plagiarism and removed completely from anything to do with the Sports Hedge Fund industry.

As always we will keep you up to date with developments and will readily answer any questions that you may have. Transparency and openness are the cornerstones of the success of The Priomha Group and we will continue to uphold those philosophies.

If you have any queries our CEO will answer them directly. He can be contacted at

Peter Foster's latest scam

A leopard never changes his spots, he just finds new ways to screw people over. Legitimate sports investment funds will emerge and their number will grow, especially while interest rates are so poor. Do your homework and always be cynical when assessing such investments. Remember, it's your money, not a donation to someone to piss up against a wall. The post about the genuine funds will be up in the next week or so.

Company: Sportalists Club
Country: USA
Address: 2 Witt Ave Carrara Gold Coast Australia
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Sportalists Club Peter Foster, Narcassist, Messianic Syndrome, Conman

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