FallZone Safety Surfacing
FallZone Playgrounds Fraud / Scam: Misleading and False Information About Company Employees | Background | Licenses


FallZone Safety Surfacing is using fraudulent information about company, history, employees, jobs and does not have a proper license to conduct business in the State of Florida and or other U.S. States.

- They are promoting 25 years worth of business but do not have but 1 1/2 years of existence since register of website and trademark.

- Promoting jobs and locations on website that don't exist.

- Quoting they manufacturer playground products but do not have a facility or manufacturing capabilities.

- They have not filed any tax returns or have stated employees.

Misleading information to consumers is a felony offense. Beware of FallZone Safety Surfacing.

Company: FallZone Safety Surfacing
Country: USA
Phone: 18888081587
Site: fallzonesafetysurfacing.com
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