Major Leauge Roller Hockey
MLRH Her unprofessional, a sham of a league Alexandria


This event happened in October in West Dundee about 30 minutes out of Chicago. Three teams participated in this event. Two from Chicago and one from Michigan. At this event MLRH had their owner (Bill Raue) and ther director (Doug Jones). This building was closed 3 months later due to. Mold infestation.

I was personally to by Doug Jones that all players had to have matching helmets. The color did not matter as long as they matched. When we played the Chicago Shamrocks that all had black helmets. When we ag the Chicago RollerSnakes one of their players had a white helmet. This rule was repeated to me several times and was even sent in email form. It was brought up to Doug Jones and he did nothing. This was this players second game and it can be seen on the roller hockey tv broadcast.

The worst part about the league was the professionalism. A "pro" league should have trained officials. The officials where found by the home team the Chicago RollerSnakes and where not explained the rules. Doug Jones was announcing the game was even talking about the bad officiating. The officials Kevin Brophy and Matthew Adamski both admit that they where never explained the rules. How does a league expect to run a successful game or event when the officials don't even know the rules?

I know I am going to get attacked for this but, I have witnesses and evidence to back up all of the statements.

Company: Major Leauge Roller Hockey
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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