East coast nitros
Talking to a 6 year old child ignorately


A 6 year old child was excluded from a cheer leading competition because her mother was impatient. Her practice was to be over by 6oclock and when the child was not release her mother walked into the gym to get the child. The coach was rude to the parent by telling her that they will be done in a minute and the parent responded by say whatever and continued with practice. Within 2 minutes the coach stop practice and proceeded to yell thru out the gym in front of the childs teamates and other coaches the childs name and that she will not compete and for her to leave now. Than the coach looked at the parent and said now thats what happens when you get impatient.

The child had a winter concert for school this particular evening. The coach was informed of this event at school and said that she would do her best to release the child on time but couldnt promise anything because the team only had 3 more practices till their first competition and they were not ready. This was a school event and school should come first no matter what the event is.

So in the end a 6 year old child is kicked out of a comptition because the coach seems to think that cheer leading is more important than school.

These people of the east coast nitros claim that all of their cheer leaders are just like their own children, when infact the owners do not have children of their own. So how can they claim that they treat all the kids as if they were their own.

We pay these people lots of money to teach our children the skills of cheer leading not to controll their lives and their parents lives. We pay these people lots of money to teach our children the skills of cheer leading not yell at them, put them down, make them cry, threaten to throw shoes at them cause they are talking and not paying attention. We pay these people lots of money to teach our children the skills of cheer leading to build their confidence up not to break them down and feel scared into doing what they are told.

These people need to be taught the lesson of their lifetime: and that is that if it wasnt for the money from all those kids over the past 10 years they would not have what they have now. They need to be stripped of their license. Have that gym taking away. And never to be able to coach or teach another child anything.

Company: East coast nitros
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Middletown
Address: 124 sleepyhollow rd
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