Dixon Golf
Dixon Golf Scam. Shady owners William Carey and Dane Platt organize ripoff!


Dixon Golf and it's owners William Carey and Dane Platt have been running a golf ball scam for almost 2 years now. They created a program where they sell you a booklet good for 30 sleeves of golf balls for $30 and they are supposed to send you the golf balls in the mail after you pay them upfront but the golf balls rarely do come. They are supposed to come once a week.

William and Dane set up a separate company to run this program so it looks like they don't own it. The truth is it was under a member of their board of directors whose name is Pace. The program is even called Dixon golf ball promotion and it uses the Dixon name in the title! The booklet is covered in Dixon logos! Dixon Golf is now expecting some investment money so they sold the shady company to it's president who is also a shareholder of Dixon Golf and they are planning on bankrupting that company and trying to walk away from this scam with nobody noticing. They are doing this because this program is based on Dixon not sending out golf balls to people who paid for them.

Well the truth is their are over 70 distributors that they charged upwards of $12,000 to take part of this program. Those distributors have thousands of customers who purchased this promotion for $30 from them and now the owners of Dixon Golf are telling the president of this Dixon shell company to slow the redemption of this program to a stand still. The Dixon shell company is in debt $100,000!! And they continue to sell these booklets and charge distributors 12k even though they know the company is going to dissolve and close it's doors! They are taking hard earned money from working people to feed their lavish lifestyle. Once the investment money comes in they will dissolve the corporation and screw everybody.

William and Dane are two of the most unethical people I have ever met and I recommend you stay away from Dixon Golf. The Attorney General has been made aware of this scam and a lawsuit involving all the distributors against Dixon Golf is beginning.

Company: Dixon Golf
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 200 E. 5th Street Third Floor
Phone: 4806346028
Site: dixongolf.com
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