Casey Dillingham
Abusive Horse Owner that blames her horse for inabitity to give proper care to her poor horses


This lady, Casey Dillingham, went out bought a horse and taught it bad lessons. Now she has made the horse dangerous and wants to blame the horse for the problems she created.

I have a Free website with over 400 pages of information and over 250 videos on youtube to try and help people that want to help themselves. Ms. Dillingham writes me in a panic wanting me to fix all her problems with her horse since she has neglected it and trained it to be dangerous.
This is normally caused by people that just want pets to love them. So when this lady started telling me how she does not get along with people and she can't get anyone to help her and no will talk to her, “that should have been my first clue”, so she asked me to fix all her problems for her and when I could not she got mad.

I used to answer questions for free but after dealing with neurotic women who got themselves in these dangerous situations, I stopped. I now charge $10 since I got tired of wasting my time only to have petty women complain, whine and be rude. So Ms. Dillingham wasted my time I gave her two different answers about two pages each and since I could solve all her people and horse issues, she did a retraction of her $10.

I stand by that she is a very petty, rude and disturbed person. She complained to Paypal, she complained to me and then a report on this site. If she put this much effort into her horse, she would not have so many issues and problems. This is typical horse owners that have other issues, get horses since they can't avoid or leave their owner and then the horse gets stuck with a person that wants to blame other people for their problems and then the horse has to pay.

Any person like this women, Please listen to and do not write me. My site and videos are free to
help people, dealing with this nut is not worth $10. And people wonder why no one answers horse questions. Meet Ms. Dillingham.

Company: Casey Dillingham
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: London
Address: 115 Burner Lane
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