Boulder Mountain Fly Fishing
Steve Stoner Steve Stoner fly fishing guide


My spouse and I went on aguided fly fishing trip down to the Boulder Mountains with Boulder Mountain FlyFishing. Steve Stoner is the owner and guide of the company. I spoke with himbefore our trip to schedule a time and talk about the event. He guaranteed usthat "we would be catching so many fish our arms would hurt". He toldus that by the end of the day we would want to quit because we caught so manyfish. Well this was a false guarantee. I caught one fish after over 8 hours offishing and my spouse only caught two. Steve Stoner was more interested intaking the better fishing hole so he could catch more than making sure we were catchingfish on the guided tour that we paid for. He had the better hole and caughtover ten fish.

My spouse and I were new to fly fishing so we were open to instruction, but Steve would just shout commands at us the whole time. For 8 hours he yelled at us. I had also told him at the beginning of the day that I had arthritis. When I did catch my one fish I was unable to net it myself because of my arthritis. I asked my spouse to help and Steve Stoner got upset with me because I did not net it myself.

In addition to all this, he also promised us that he would take pictures and email them to us. We did not take our own pictures because of this promise. When I asked for the pictures once we got home from our trip Steve Stoner refused to email them to me. He said he would not send them to us because "I did not tip him and he made me cry". We did not know we were supposed to tip him. He did not live up to his promises and guarantees and would not even deserve a tip. We had already paid him $350.

Save your money and find another fishing guide. Steve Stoner is dishonest and makes false guarantees. He builds up your hopes and doesn't follow through with the expectations he sets.

Company: Boulder Mountain Fly Fishing
Country: USA
Address: Boulder, UT
Phone: 4353357306
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