Jacksonville Power Sports
Got my jet ski back in parts we did not drop it off that way


I dropped off my Jet Skis with under 35 hrs on them, whole and intact. Six weeks later was told to pick them up and they gave it back to me with the engine of one all apart and tossed back into the ski and three cylinder heads in a box.
We were originally told it would take two/three weeks at the most. We thought it was a simple carburetor clean needed. We were shocked when we were told it would cost over $4000.00! They wanted to replace the engine of one and replace the entire carburetor on another! I was shocked.
I called the manager Jeff who said well maybe not. It turns out we did not needed either. Once I started complaining they changed their tune. Hmmm. I also told Jeff I was concerned about his staff. This was almost a month in and they were just now telling us this? What happened to the two or three week turnaround? Also, over and over we called checking up on the skis just wanting some kind of info. Heck they had them for over a month! We were told over and over we will call you back. We did not receive the calls back.
Jeff told me he could fix both skis for $2000.00. Well what were we to do? So I said okay. He promised it would be done in two weeks. The second week we got a call from Mike in service. They needed more money because they just now found out there was something else wrong. But he wasn't sure, he would call us back. This was in the A.M. We waited for the call. No call.
I called Jeff the manager the next day. I said Mike did not call us back and why are we just now hearing about this now after what six weeks? I told him I have lost my confidence in him. He got mad and said come pick it up. I said let me talk to the owner. Someone has to be customer friendly somewhere right? WRONG! Bill Getz the owner said pick them up he didn't want to mess with me? What! He just wanted to get me out of the way. He never apologized for us being six weeks in with not nary a repair. He did not apologize for his unprofessional staff. He didn't give a hoot.
My husband picked up the skis. One of them was completely taken apart and tossed back in. The rest of the engine was in a box.
Avoid this place. They do not care about their customers. Arrogant, all of them.

Company: Jacksonville Power Sports
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 10290 Atlantic Blvd
Phone: 9046415320
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