Warrior Custom Golf
Deceptive & poor customer service


I also dropped for that free grab-bag for Holiday. After near to an hour or so about the telephone decreasing numerous presents to test their groups for countless bucks the owner relented and explained she'd deliver simply the grab-bag for that delivery cost of $40. She explained that I'd get a verification mail using the purchase quantity and info. I never got an order quantity in the owner and not obtained a verification email from their website. It's been nearly 8 weeks today without any indication of the grab-bag with no method to check up on the order position with no order quantity. The one thing this organization appears effective at performing is payment (the charge card statement experienced in two times).

Company: Warrior Custom Golf
Country: USA
State: Utah
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Warrior Custom Golf
Deceptive pratices

Warrior Custom Golf/Holiday Grab Bag
Absolutely FREE Holiday Grab Bag

Warrior Custom Golf
Deceptive practices!

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